HASP v0.36 - If not better... maybe less bad. Just this once.

Well this is embarrassing….

HASP 0.36 release

No new features whatsoever.

ESP8266 code v0.36

  • Not a single new thing added to the code, apart from changing 0.35 to 0.36
  • Ran into this problem which stems from being compiled by 2.5.0b3. This is no good, so we’re going back to a stable release.

Home Assistant Automations

  • Nothing

3D printable models

  • Nada


  • Zilch

ESP8266 Update Procedure

If you’re using the AutoFirmwareUpdate automation your devices should pull this update at 3:00am. Otherwise, log into the admin web page and you can pull the update from the firmware page.

Home Assistant Update Procedure

Run the deployhasp.sh script to pull down the updated automations using one of the guides below:
